4, 5

I wish that I could report better than minor progress at #4 and 5 on this list, but the fact is that I’m just manipulating my own silly rules.

So while I don’t recall buying any new books lately, there were a couple Christmas gifts.

And I’ve been making liberal use of the local library.

Gone are the days when I could immerse myself in one book at a time. I’m not sure why, but I can’t seem to find the time to concentrate fully enough. So I’ve been reading light or hopscotching from book to book, mixing up plots and characters. Adds to the fun, maybe.

In the last couple days I finished:

Letters to Sam: A Grandfather’s Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life by Daniel Gottlieb
Gift of the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Living on the Edge of the World: NJ Writers Take on the Garden State

I’m partway through these:

Twelve Moons of the Year by Hal Borland
A Book of Days by Hal Borland
Seasons by Hal Borland
The Gate House by Nelson DeMille
Stiff by Mary Roach
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Duma Key by Stephen King
Plant Seed, Pull Weed: Nurturing the Garden of Your Life by Geri Larkin
Doodles and Daydreams: Your Passport for Becoming an Escape Artist by Bill Zimmerman – a Christmas gift to myself!
The Essential Rumi translated by Coleman Barks – another Christmas gift to me!
The Poetry Home Repair Manual by Ted Kooser – I’ve been reading this one since early June, I think, trying to make the fun last.

I won’t mention the books that remain untouched on the *to be read* pile. But it is getting smaller – honest!

So… what have you read lately that’s any good? Want to add to one of my lists?


17 thoughts on “4, 5”

  1. I read Gift of the Sea years ago and just bought another copy for myself to re-read. It’s on the pile…
    I used to be able to dive into a book and really read fast. I’ve become distracted about reading too. I’m blaming it on peri-menopause.

  2. I just finished David Guterson’s new novel, “The Other.” I liked it a lot. Next up is John Updike’s new one, “The Widows of Eastwick.” For non-fiction, it’s the biography of Abigail Adams by Phyllis Levin.

  3. “I won’t mention the books that remain untouched on the *to be read* pile. But it is getting smaller – honest!”


    Every time my mom visits me she insists that my place is gonna collapse because of all of the books. I don’t think I’ll ever get to the bottom of the to be read pile.

  4. “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan is the kind of book that could change the world if we would just all read it and take it to heart.

    I’m still trying to do my part to destroy the economy by using the library instead of the bookstore. It’s not just about the money, but also about having too much stuff to worry about.

    Have a happy New Year, Laura! May you find the time and peace to settle down with one good book at a time.

  5. I’ve just finished “I Know This Much Is True” by Wally Lamb. A really great read for me, but a committment at 900 pages. Whew!

    These days, I am mostly reading the New Yorker and the New York Times in bits and pieces as time allows with the kids and husband and dog claiming lots of my attention.

    But, a good book is a good book. In the past year I’ve also enjoyed Memory of Running, Water for Elephants, Evidence of Things Unseen, Bright Shiny Morning, and The Madonnas of Leningrad.

    I mostly get my books in trade through PaperBackSwap. My table is piled with books by Anne Enright and Meg Wolitzer to read next.

    Oh, and I read Noah’s Garden and Bringing Nature Home. Highly recommended.

    Good health and good birding to you this new year!

    Wayne, PA

  6. Dr. Know: Thanks and try to stay out of trouble in the New Year, ok?


    Lynne: I thought I might really like that little book, but it didn’t do much for me.

    NCMountainWoman: Oh you’re a reader, too!

    I liked Snow Falling on Cedars all those years ago, but haven’t read anything else from Guterson. I see from Amazon.com that there’s a few for me to pick from.

    (Shame on you for tempting me with more books!)


    Steve: Ha! You should see my desk…there’s 3 piles of books, one ready to topple over it’s so tall. I need more shelf space!

    Sekhar: Thanks and I hope the new year is good to you as well.

    MojoMan: Yeah… Pollan is a favorite of mine too. I first read his gardening book years ago which led me to The Botany of Desire… This year I read In Defense of Food and the one before it… um… Omnivore’s Dilemma which is one you might read if you haven’t already.

    I love the library for just going in and coming home with an armload of random books and no commitment to give any of them a permanent home. My frustration comes from wanting a particular book *at that very moment* and having to wait for it on interlibrary loan.. I run to Border’s instead. Unfortunately, many of my favorites are obscure or out of print and I have to wait on the library anyway.


    Peace to you in the New Year. Thanks for your friendship.

    G. Beetham: Hi and thanks for the Lab link. I’m off for a look at it now.

    Are you by chance a relative of A DC Birding Blog?

    Heather: Thanks… you’re no help!


    I’d swear I’ve read something by Wally Lamb, but looking at the titles, I don’t believe I have.

    (Probably there’s one of his in the *to be read* pile.)

    900 pages doesn’t scare me off… I love a book that’s long enough to take you away completely.

    I’m also partway through Water For Elephants. Thanks for the reminder… I liked her horse books, but that one hasn’t grabbed me yet.

    Noah’s Garden is a great book and the follow up is also, if you can find it.

    We carry Bringing Nature Home at the bird observatory… I’ll have a closer look when I’m there this Sunday.

  7. Impressive! woot!

    Uh me read? a book? erm let’s see …. oh bother.

    Actually I am reading a book – ‘The Brain that Changes Itself’ by Norman Doidge. (I suppose ‘The Adventures of Freckles and Deb’ doesn’t count?)

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