Labor Day Weekend

In these parts, the highlight of Labor Day Weekend is mostly about what changes afterword; the beaches are free again, there’s less traffic, we “locals” have the place to ourselves again…

Maybe a Bar-B-Q somewhere in between…

What do you look forward to with the coming “end” of summer? What plans have you for this long weekend?

Do share!

–Laura (arranging a date with her beach towel and a clear view of the sea)

8 thoughts on “Labor Day Weekend”

  1. Here in central PA, we have a couple of arts festivals going on–really craft festivals. But, there are lots of vendors to see, and food of all sorts. Only down-side–the feet get tired with all the walking.

    Oh, this is also the opening game for Penn State football–but we gave up going to the games a year ago. Much easier to watch them on TV.

  2. A long weekend full of education programs with a local park district. They bring their birds, we fill in with birds they don’t have (peregrine, barn owl, kestrel, Isis the leucistic RT).
    Always a fun time. I leave these programs tired by so jazzed and happy, if that makes sense.
    As long as I work for RAPTOR, every Labor Day weekend will be just like this one.

  3. Susan: I’ve been to the Raptor programs by Sardis out here in Washington.

    I know just what you mean!

    I sort of plan to have a little rabbit time, some yard time, some catch up, and probably some more french cooking from BL!

  4. Labor Day brings us a brief respite from the summer tourists before the fall leaf lookers come in droves. We do appreciate what they do for our economy. But like your clear view of the sea, we’re looking forward to a clear view of the mountains.

  5. Laundry. Vegging on the couch. Going into work and prepping for next week. Grading a buncho papers. Hanging with friends. Hanging with family. Chilling.

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