Plant a row for the hungry

The master gardeners have been getting some good press here lately. This story appeared in today’s paper and describes how this year’s class has been donating all of the produce raised in their garden to the local food pantry as part of the Plant a Row for the Hungry program.

Unfortunately I’ve not been able to participate due to my work schedule (it’s that way for me with most of the really neat things the MG’s do), but I’ve been ogling the garden since June on my lunch breaks – it’s located in back of the building I work in. So far they’ve raised and donated more than 500 pounds of produce. Wow! Way to go.

5 thoughts on “Plant a row for the hungry”

  1. That’s very cool, Laura. Recently, a CSA farm was formed to raise organic food for food banks and low-income folks, including food preparation and nutrition classes. I think it’s especially important to make sure everyone has access to healthy produce.

  2. Wow! What an awesome idea! I’m a teacher and that gives me something to think about for a future project. I’d just have to be able to get the kids there in the summer.

  3. Beth: Thanks for stopping by. Not sure where in NJ you teach, but you might check in with your county master gardeners about starting a schoolyard garden – I’ve been involved with a few and they’re great fun! The MG’s would help plan and plant and then it’s up to the students to maintain and harvest the garden. Let me know if you want a contact.

  4. Lene: you bring up an interesting point – food drives only accept canned goods and non-perishables – I wonder if they go to the expense to buy fresh ever?

    The county-wide food bank has some great programs like you mentioned, including nutrition classes and some basic gardening classes so that people who use the food bank can learn to grow some of their own food as a means to becoming more self-sufficient. There is even a large *community garden* in the back of the building where the MG’s help out.

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