16 thoughts on “2/7/07 Mid-week bunny fix”

  1. I can never get enough bunny faces, and Boomer and Cricket are just the best. Don’t you love how their little noses look like hearts? It shows up best in the agouti/brown bunnies, Hazel had the perfect little “heart nose” the white just outlined it so well, much like B & C.

  2. I was going to ask if there were two bunny noses in the picture but the others answered my question. You must be lying on the floor close to them. This is so cute 🙂 A nice way to start my day!

  3. Bunnies! I love when my two put their noses together like this for a join nose rub.

    And the bird I’m looking at the this one. http://www.flickr.com/photos/divakitty/383068574/

    I know the one in the back on the fence is a robin and I don’t think this one is a dove. It’s all grey and the chest is a light grey. It’s been hanging out with the robins with the finches. I do have a pair of doves, but they nest on the other side of my house.

  4. Diva Kitty: I think that’s a robin too – the breast may be less colorful because it’s a female.

    All: Bunny time is spent on the floor. I think I was lying on my belly to get these pics.

    Michelle: When I first got Boomer and Cricket both of them had shed patterns on their heads in the shape of hearts – I have a pic somewhere.

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