Weekend plans

“The flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing birds is come.”
– Song of Solomon
Yes, they’re metal flowers and metal birds, but we can make do, can’t we?

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m glad it’s Friday! I only wish the weather predictions were a bit brighter for the weekend. Tomorrow will be the day to be out and about. I only need to decide where I’ll spend it. Oh the possibilities!

Sunday into Monday we’re supposed to have a nasty storm – a Nor’easter – which might provide the time to veg out on the couch and make some sort of a dent in watching the boxed set of the whole 7 years of The West Wing series that the Easter Bunny left me. I’m not much for tv and totally spaced this show for all the years it was on, but I like the reruns that I catch and will enjoy the gift for many rainy days to come.

It might also be fun to head down to the beach and see the surf churned up with the storm, assuming I can get there and the roads aren’t flooded out. Might make for some interesting pics anyway. Which reminds me that the Good Planets Show is happening tomorrow at Vicki’s place – be sure to stop by and have a look. Vicki’s toying with the idea of having *water* as a theme when the show reappears in two weeks – maybe I’ll manage a decent photo to submit by then.

I would love to hear what you all have planned, especially if you live someplace where it’s warm and sunny and spring-like!

16 thoughts on “Weekend plans”

  1. Hey…It’s warm here but sunny…not. We are about two days ahead of you on the stormy front down here in Texas. Rainy with a chance of thunderstorms to start the weekend. But Sunday should be good.

    Enjoy the West Wing. It was one of the few series I did watch regularly. I had the box left for me under the Christmas Tree. We already (between me, my daughter and her girlfriend) had the first 5 seasons, so I only had to work through 2 seasons. I find though that every time the weather socks us in I’ll pick a season and work my way through.

    Enjoy the weekend…

  2. Sounds like a great weekend to me, Laura. I hope you get to the beach and photograph your usual great things for Good Planets. Then enjoy Sunday and West Wing. I’m not much on TV, either.

    It’s warm here – 60’s but the nights. still dip much lower. Tomorrow will be a good day! Saturday night throuogh Sunday will be wet and cold. Very heavy rain on the way!

    Other than a bridal shower tomorrow, I have nothing planned…except…NAPS!

  3. It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow morning, and inspite of the cold, I will go on a trail somewhere. Then the weatherman says you will be sharing your storm with us! I will have no excuse to procrastinate in completing our tax returns 🙁
    We have until Apr 30 in Canada to file them.

  4. I am going to bird outside of a community college in the morning.

    Afterwards, I will attend some of The annual Connecticut Orthinological Association meeting.-(amazingly, at the same college I am birding at. -They have birding programs and vendors.

  5. Oh Ruth – you reminded me of something else I have to finish up this weekend.


    Mary: Naps sound like a great way to spend a rainy day.

    Gary: Hi – are you enjoying those bluebonnets? I’m glad to hear it’s warm someplace!

    I look forward to the West Wing – should keep me busy for a few years, at least.

  6. That sounds sort of serious, but fun Larry. I was about to ask if there were any new birds up your way, but then realized I’d prob. see any before you.


  7. We’ve got an ugly line of storms moving through tonight and tomorrow morning, so it looks like I’ll be spending Saturday morning in the gym, instead of in the great outdoors. But things are looking up for Sunday!

    No big plans, except to read, write, run and eat Indian food. And clean. Lots of that. Vacation is coming up next month, so I gotta get this place spiffy. I don’t want the petsitter to think we’re slobs! 🙂

  8. Oh yes, Laura – if I were you I’d be headed to the beach to watch the waves.

    Happily I’ll be standing at my rain-spattered window watching for my son who’s headed in from Boston to escape the weather there for a few days.

  9. It’s cloudy here on the Olympic Peninsula, Saturday morning. We’ll probably go for a walk along the beach somewhere, or the creek. As long as it doesn’t rain, we’ll be outside doing something.

  10. We’re expecting 50 degrees and sunny here in Minnesota- a beautiful weekend. I’m working night all weekend but I’ll inhale great lungs full fo fresh air in between sleeping! 🙂

  11. Hoping this will be the last big storm of the season for you all up there in the northeast. Stay warm and safe!

  12. Susan: You have all your fun while I’m daydreaming at my job. Hope the programs go well!

    Do you rotate your birds for use in programs? Do they get days off? Are they unionized?


    Bunnygirl: Cleaning for the petsitter – what a drag!

    Cathy: Sounds like a fun rainy day.

    Robin: We have so much to do in the garden, but haven’t even thought of it yet it’s so chilly!

    Lynn: Of course it’s nice while you’re sleeping or at work! 50 degrees sounds balmy for you!

    Jayne: Nor-easter are fall/winter srorms, so it’s kinda strange. April showers bring…

  13. great flowers, photo, etc! What a riot!

    I heard that Central park got EIGHT inches of rain on Sunday! No way!

    I was sittinig on my brick patio, in the sun, getting baked.

  14. Dear Laura: I am actually an employee of Heron Dance and we came across your kind words about our work. Thank you. We are a small non-profit publishing company and rely so much on word of mouth. Would you mind if we used your words perhaps on our website or other promotional pieces? Thank you, Susan (susan@herondance.org)

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