Today’s my birthday. People always say that time seems to pass more quickly as you get older… do you find that to be true, also?
Anyway… I’m borrowing this idea I saw somewhere out there… to come up with a list of goals… dreams… intentions… things I’ve been putting off… to accomplish before my next birthday.
In no particular order:
1 Organize the songs on my iPod into playlists that are useful
2 Go iceskating
3 Get Luka into doggy-day-care at least one day a week to save our sanity
4 Read one book from the *to be read* pile at least every other month
5 Buy no new books until I’m commited to #4
6 Stay up all night to watch the sunrise. Stay in bed the rest of the day. Do not feel guilty.
7 Take a photography class
8 Buy a bicycle. Maybe one like this
9 Get together with The Flock for a birding weekend
10 Get the nerve up to submit something to qarrtsiluni
11 Find a cafe that makes a nice coconut cream pie
12 Replace a bad habit with a good one
13 Finally tackle shorebirds
14 Buy a thesaurus
15 Make something handmade for a friend
16 See ten new birds
17 Volunteer for a local environmental project
18 Try a new fruit – maybe kumquats
19 Invite my brothers and their families to go camping for a weekend
20 See the prairie
21 Go maple-syruping
22 Finally learn how to make a nice spaghetti sauce
23 Organize (and back-up!) my photo collection
24 Write a letter to an old friend that’s been out of touch for too long
25 Fly a kite at the beach
26 Sleep outside under the stars
27 Find an old person to teach me how to play canasta
28 Donate some things I don’t use anymore to the thrift shop at the local homeless shelter
29 Drink more water and less coffee
30 Learn how to wolf-whistle
31 Spend a day exploring the sugar-sand roads of the Pine Barrens
32 Buy a good map before attempting #31
33 Accept hugs more eagerly
34 Learn the names of 5 constellations in the winter sky
35 Read a novel in Spanish
36 Catch love in the moonlight
37 Do that one thing I’ve been putting off
38 Refer to this list often
Wish me luck! I wonder how many of these I will have accomplished by this time tomorrow…