A spectacle in black and white, brown and blue

The promise of hundreds upon hundreds of Snow Geese drew me to Forsythe NWR this past weekend…

Their handsome white or shades of gray in the blue sky, the black wing feathers, pinkish bills and feet…

All delightful against the winter browns of the salt marsh.

It’s difficult to watch any one, as there are so many flying across the marsh from one impoundment to the next…

An Eagle on the horizon doesn’t cause the expected panic among them; they sit tight instead and travel across the marsh en masse, at their leisure and to my delight.

*The coastal marshes of NJ are a significant wintering ground for Snow Geese; their numbers will grow into the (hundreds?) of thousands before our waters freeze and they’re forced further south to warmer climes. I’m glad for the spectacle of them, here, now.

: )