Prescription for a summer’s day

(how to play hooky from work):

hot hay-scented breath in your face brings on fits of giggling…

homemade peach ice-cream fixes a belly-ache…

busy bees fly off with your troubles…

pausing to admire a ladybug is sure to make you smile…

silly puppies with their first-ever bandana will cure anything that ails you!

9 thoughts on “Prescription for a summer’s day”

  1. Ok nice prescriptions. I will try them when summer comes. How about prescriptions for rainy days. ’cause we are having non-stop rains for a couple of days now. Hot coffee, and sleeping cozy under thick blankets are the only things I am prescribing myself now 🙂

  2. Love the puppy face, caught in mid-nibble: “Who, me? No, Mom, I wasn’t eating my bandanna. Oh, this thing? No, I have no idea how it got in my mouth.”

    Too cute!


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