You want me to put my tongue where?

Is it just me or do you imagine how it must really hurt to walk around on a coneflower?

I think I must be working too hard or need a nap or something. I’ve gone off the deep end… I’m channeling butterflies.


11 thoughts on “You want me to put my tongue where?”

  1. It doesn’t hurt the Tiger Swallowtail, they’re built for it.
    As for the channeling, perhaps you’ve been in the sun too long…

    Way too long. 😉

  2. Rabbit’s Guy: Yeah, pretty frayed around the edges, too.

    Dr. Know: Yeah, probably.


    Ruth and Sekhar: Thanks!

    Mary: They just move too quickly, don’t they?!

    Lynne: Couldn’t resist.


    KGMom: Ha! Before long, probably. First coldish day.

    Delia: Hmm. Wondering how all these curls might come in handy…

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