4 thoughts on “Be glad of life”

  1. Sekhar: Yeah… I love that quote.

    KatDoc: The beach doesn’t really get cold until… oh… February.


    I run hot so you can’t go by what I say, but a fleece and a windbreaker should do you. Though I think I remember having to loan Susan an extra layer at some point (all she had was that silly denim jacket of hers!) Oh and bring raingear. It was warm last year, but rained the whole time almost.

  2. That denim jacket is my Holy Birding Jacket. Missy.

    A rain cover is a must. That walk we did on Saturday last year….jeez, I’m still drying out my bins.
    I think the weather is weird there…the wind is cold, but the sun is still fairly warm. Just bring a variety of stuff, Kath.
    And in the end, who cares? We will be in CAPE FREAKIN’ MAY!

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