Afternoon visit

I nearly missed him standing there beside the dogwood, but he spotted me quickly once I stepped outside with the camera. In case you’re squinting at the fuzzy focus (what’s new?) I counted six points on this buck… a trophy to some, I’d guess.

I followed him through my little woodland garden of mountain laurels and viburnum, trying to get close enough for a halfway decent pic, but he spooked and was off with a snort and a flash of his white tail to the park out back where he makes his living. Usually I see him there at night on walks with Luka, one shape among many in the moonlight, disappearing into the shadows.

10 thoughts on “Afternoon visit”

  1. How cool is that? The “deer rut” is in full swing here in Minnesota–the best time of year for seeing bucks out in the daytime. But watch out–they’ve got only one thing on their mind right now and aren’t watching out for any of the usual dangers–like cars on the highway!

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